Thursday, December 1, 2011


Oliver started his first day in a little preschool program this morning!  This is just a little test run to see how he does in a more school type environment.  For some reason he has been protesting going to the in-home daycare he has gone to since he was a baby.  So, we're just trying something different to see what works best.  I have never had to pack him a lunch before because he daycare always provided lunch so I was excited to go get him a lunch-bag and make his lunch!  I tucked a little note inside and when I picked Oliver up his teacher said he was really impressed by the note.  He said he had never seen another parent do that!!  Really??  Who are these parents?  I thought all parents put notes in the lunchbox!?!

Oliver was so excited to wear his backpack.  He was running into school which I took as a good sign!

As soon as we walked in the room he looked around, went and hung his backpack on a hook like the other kids had done and sat down to start playing!  Such a big boy!

He had his own spot assigned for him which I thought was cute.  And when I picked him up he proudly showed me the snowflake and wreath he had made!

He was quite fond of this little cutie named Grace and couldn't resist giving her several hugs on our way out!
Yay!  Preschool was a success!

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  1. Aww, it looks like he did SO well! It's also so adorable that you wrote him a note...I can't believe the teacher had never seen that before!

  2. i know! it makes me sad for those poor neglected kiddos!

  3. awww, big boy!! I do notes most days too. :)

  4. He looks so happy and sweet! I hope Bobby does as well when he starts preschool!

  5. the sweetest mommy

  6. Looks like he was ready for school. I'm glad you found a preschool. :-)

  7. Glad he liked it! He'll be ready to go in 2 yrs for Kinder!!!
